

Why is using a condom so hard? In many cases it actually comes from attitudes towards condom use rather than lack of knowledge and information.

But we know that there are actually a lot of people wanting to bring a condom when they go to a party or on a date, however, you don’t want to appear as someone who’s planning to get lucky. We also know that it can be awkward to start looking for a condom when you are in the heat of the moment. What if the pants or purse already came off in the hallway, and now you’re here, naked, not really knowing how to get a hold of the condom. What if it was already there, around your neck, dangling between you? To spend more time on actual pleasure, rather than thinking about how to suggest using a condom, sounds a lot more fun to us. And in addition also avoiding any STD’s and/or unwanted pregnancies, because let's face it, those kind of conversions are a lot more awkward to have.

Feeling Lucky and the #condomnecklace has developed a smart and safe way for condom storage. We all know that the condom is a sensitive product which is not supposed to be exposed to pressure, wear and tear. Despite this, the condom is often placed in our pockets, wallet or purse where its life expectancy is drastically decreased. The condom necklace is a fun and functional accessory so you can bring your condom with you safely, as well as deciding if you want to wear the necklace discreetly under your shirt, as a statement piece over it or safely stored in your bag, if it doesn’t match you outfit for the night. Despite of how you want to wear it, with the condom safely around your neck you will avoid the awkward interruption of having to look for a condom or even bring it up for conversation. It will just be there, dangling between you, ready to be used when the time is right.
